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Meeting Notes FOR tPC BOARD MEETING 15 JUNE 2022 - By Bruce - Revised 6/18/22

Writer: Bruce ClemensBruce Clemens

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Present: Steve, Andy & Bruce

Preliminary items:

A. Agree on facilitator and note-taker: Andy and Bruce

B. Determine if we need a time limit for the meeting: Nope

C. Decide if any changes or additions should be made to the main agenda: Minor ones incorporated below

Main Agenda

1. Welcome Steve Cox as a new member of our Board

A. Discuss with Steve the role and expectations for Board members NOT DONE ADEQUATELY - postpone until next week

B. Discuss making Steve the coordinator for our Human Rights activities (including but not limited to support for Nazeela Elmi). Agreed

C. Steve will update us about support for Nazeela Elmi.

We need $80,00 and have collected about $10,000 to date

D. Inform Steve about the proposal for USAID funding of WASH projects by AdP as part of a larger project led by Global Communities (Andy)

We still await to hear from USAID

E. Inform Steve about the $24,000 that tPC has provided to AdP during the past year to support personnel, especially related to personnel responsible for funding proposals - tPC funded AdP to ensure that AdP “looked good” for the USAID proposal.

2. Discuss authorization for more board members to manage our bank accounts (Andy)

Will be postponed until the Next Board meeting when Jose and Greg are in attendance


Currently authorized to manage account​

Persons that Andy recommends be added to manage account


Bruce and Andy

At least one additional board member


Bruce and Andy

At least one additional board member

Human Rights


Add Steve, Bruce, and anyone whom we are adding to our other accounts

3. Discuss Bruce’s recommendation that we invest $1,000 (UP TO $2,500) in a revised website and pre-pay for a year of service. - Bruce agreed to manage the contract and will keep everyone informed!

4. Discuss preparations for celebrating AdP’s 50th anniversary - OnGoing Topic

5. Discuss potential new members for our Board (Jose should update us about his work colleague).

Postponed until next meeting

6. Discuss Bruce’s recommendation that we name a board member to the position of Secretary

Postponed until next meeting


“The secretary of your board of directors is responsible for distributing your meeting agenda and recording the minutes of the meeting. They’ll also make sure all documentation is filed and organized correctly for easy access at a later date and ensure all actions are in line with the organization’s bylaws.

ii. In practice we have distributed and rotated the Secretarial responsibilities among various members of the board.

7. Jose, please provide bios and a photo for our website.

8. As time permits, discuss what our priorities should be for supporting AdP in the short, medium, and long term. (Note: We may need a special meeting to provide adequate time for this topic. If so, we should agree on when to do this). Will be postponed until the next board meeting

9. Other topics that participants might suggest.

Wrap-up items:

A. Summarize any actions agreed upon during the meeting

B. Agree on when we should next meet (generally the second Wednesday of each month)

  • We agreed that we do not need to meet every month. We agreed that after the Magical Mystery Tour to Guatemala, we will move to either bi-monthly or quarterly meetings, subject to discussion at our July board meeting. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, July 13 at 7:00 pm.

  • We also agreed that Andy will set up a new appointment for adding signatures to our TDBank accounts. We agreed on a target date if it works for Jose. The target date we agreed on is Sat. June 25.


-Andy will arrange for the next meeting with TD Bank

-Bruce will contract with the Wix web provider and finalize the contract

-Andy will lead the reservations at the Iquitiu…


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