We left at 3:30 am for the airport. We had a beautiful ride passing the volcanoes of Acatenango, Fuego, Agua, and Pacaya. Many of us old-timers have climbed all (except Fuego). We drove by sugar cane plantations, rubber tree farms, and small fields brimming with the Maya trilogy of corn, beans, and squash.
Fuego on a Nasty Day
Pacaya on a Typical Day
The best plan is to climb volcanoes on a full moon. Hiking up in the full moon and arriving at the peak at sunrise. 360-degree views. The view to the east is the yellows and reds of the rising Sun. To the west, the blues and purples of the setting moon. Almost a religious, and at least a spiritual, experience.
We are finally arriving in the capital to the mother of all traffic jams. It happens every morning. Such a difference from the tranquility of San Lucas.
We accomplished tons on this visit - celebrated our 50th anniversary, checked on some past projects, collected water samples from and improved the operation of our three SunSprings treatment facilities, and began work on six new projects in the “suburbs” of San Lucas.
Please consider helping. Every $100 donation provides one lucky Mayan with water and sustainable sanitation for the rest of their life! Not a bad investment! Thank you for everything you have done for Agua del Pueblo. We would never have made it without you.