The 50th Anniversary Celebration Was Phenomenal
Updated: Sep 7, 2022
Hello AdP founders and friends,

A few days ago AdP celebrated its 50th anniversary, and it was a stunning, wonderful, emotional event. It was held at the AdP office in Xela, and began with a few early risers attending a 6 AM Mayan ceremony (photos attached). A couple of symbolic trees were planted by Bruce and me, and at 10 AM the main event began. People from five villages that we served about 35 to 40 years ago gave speeches (their water systems are still functioning!). Andrés Chajil could not attend due to health problems, but his daughter Rita came and gave a terrific speech representing Andrés and the villages of Panimaquib and Pampojila. Several others gave brief speeches, including Bruce and me. A video was shown in memory of AdP employees who have died. The video made me cry inside, seeing photos of old friends and colleagues in their prime working on water and sanitation projects.
Unfortunately my daughter and I caught COVID at the celebration, in spite of the many precautions that were taken, and we came down with early symptoms three days later, which is to say, yesterday. Bruce has been lucky and, at least so far, has not come down with any COVID symptoms. I have to say that the AdP celebration was so wonderful that it was worth getting COVID for! (Hopefully I won’t get long-COVID, which would change that conclusion).
Right now my daughter and I are stuck in Xela at a friend’s home, who is taking good care of us, while Bruce has gone to San Lucas Tolimán.
The People’s Consultants is right now re-designing and updating its website, which will soon include a blog about our Guatemalan adventure during and after the 50th anniversary celebration. We’ll let you know when that becomes available.
Wish you could have all been at the celebration, but concern about COVID and various conflicts understandably made that impractical for most of you.
¡Viva la lucha del pueblo!
¡Viva la fiesta del pueblo!
¡Viva Agua del Pueblo!